Public Wifi & Computers

  • 28 public computers are available – 23 for general use, 1 for research in our Delaware room, and 4 for our public catalog.
  • These computers have Internet access and the full Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Use of our computers is limited to 3 hours during peak periods otherwise use is unlimited.
  • Wireless Internet access is available after agreeing to our Acceptable Use Policy.
  • There are also five Early Literacy Stations in the Children’s Room.

Use of the Internet is governed by the Delaware Library Computer Acceptable Use Policy


  • Black and white/color printing is available from all public access Internet computers
    $0.10 per black-and-white printout
    $0.25 per color printout
  • Wireless printing from your mobile device using Milford’s Princh Printing.

A copy machine is available for black and white/color copies. Black and white copies are $.10/page. Color copies are $.25/page.
A scanner/fax machine is available for patron use. This machine allows you to scan in documents and send them to an email for free.
A scanner/fax machine is available for patron use.

Fax (send only):

  • USA, Canada, Caribbean… $1.75 1st Page, $1.00 each additional page
  • International… $4.95 1st page, $3.45 each additional page